NaPoWriMo 2017 - Day 24

Tried #

I’m tired

I’m tired
you know
how like sometimes
you’re just tired
that’s why I wasn’t my best

Oh I got enough sleep
full eight hours
like the internet site said
ever day but you know
just tired

That’s why you know
I’m not paying attention in this meeting
or this board game
or really giving my performance my all
or why I happened to say
that awkward thing
see the silence has already passed forgotten
I did that because I’m tried

Oh that girl?
I’m too tired to go and talk to her
I haven’t done anything today
but I’m kind of too tired
to ask my boss for that raise finally

How are you
you know just tired
oh that’s fine
I’m tired too

I’m sorry this poem is not that good
honestly I’m just kind of tired
and really I could have written something better
if you know
I just wasn’t
so tired


Now read this

NaPoWriMo 2017 - Day 22

Blanket # I’m ending one of those nights where I’m drunk in places where it’s okay to be drunk that’s when I met her It is cold night in San Francisco cold in a summer that never happens not bitter cold no biting winds would say it is... Continue →