NaPoWriMo 2017 - Day 25

Shit Disease #

I have Shit Disease
I’m dying
there is nothing anyone can do
Run away and save yourselves
for the flies have come for me

Coughing Sneezing
Oozing Wheezing
That’s all she wrote
It’s not to be
for the flies have come for me

A box of tissues
chicken soup and
herbal tea
None of it will be enough
for the flies have come for me

My body doesn’t work
My face is falling off
my voice sold
to an underwater octopus lady
It ends with a whimper and a cough
for the flies have come for me

It was nice knowing you all
before my fall
But now I’m sick
and that is it
for the flies have come for me


Now read this

NaPoWriMo 2017 - Day 5

A Poem about Facebook M, a feature where an AI learns from your conversations and makes suggestions for various actions for you # Facebook M We are proud to say is a new feature Where an AI tells you what to say next Where an AI will... Continue →